When caring is not enough


Ethan turned as his friend, Rami, sprinted toward him. “Where is he?” Rami questioned. “I thought Jesus was supposed to be here.” “He was.” Ethan pointed out a boat several hundred feet from shore, “Jesus just herded his disciples into that boat and left.”

Lemuel, panting, joined them. “Where are they going?”

“I’m not sure,” Ethan replied, shielding his eyes with his hand. “It looks like they may be heading towards that remote area on the east side. If we hurry, I think we can get there about the time they do.”

As the three young men raced along the shores of Galilee, they were joined by a multitude of others, kicking up swirls of dust as they hurried along. The limping and impaired straggled to the back of the crowd, but the swift were rewarded by arriving at the solitary place as the disciples and Jesus were drifting to shore.

The disciples had a look of annoyance, but Jesus stepped out of the boat and gestured for them to sit down. He began to teach.

“Have you ever heard such teaching?” Ethan whispered to his friends.

“He doesn’t seem to mind those pushing towards Him for healing,” Lemuel pointed out.

The day quickly passed and turned to evening. Many were obviously hungry, but still lingered. They watched as several disciples confronted Jesus.

“What did he just say?” Rami questioned, straining to hear. “They seem to be arguing about money and where to get food. We might as well go. I’m getting famished myself.”

“Wait…look…Jesus is directing the people to sit down!”

With mouths hanging open and eyes almost popping out, the three friends dropped to the ground and watched as Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish, lifted them towards Heaven, and gave thanks. Then he began breaking them apart and handing them to each of the disciples. They continued breaking and passing the pieces out to groups of fifty or a hundred, until everyone was satisfied.

As the disciples picked up the leftovers—twelve baskets full—Rami shook his head. “I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it. Over five thousand people fed! And all from just two fish and five small loaves of bread.”

“It is something I will never forget!” Ethan exclaimed in agreement.

Looking at this event reminds me of the difference between ‘caring’ and ‘compassion’. I think the disciples cared about the five thousand plus people— they gave Jesus a suggestion on where the crowd could go and get food. But they didn’t want to go to the effort of finding and buying food for them. After all, they were tired, and that would be extremely expensive!

Jesus, on the other hand, cared to the point of doing something about it. He took care of the crowds’ needs. He cared that they had worries and hurts, and they were a distance from their homes, and were hungry. He took the time to teach them, heal them, and then feed them.

“Jesus, I want to be more like You. I want to do more than care for those that are struggling. Please help me to have compassion and be willing to do something about it. Help me be willing, even when I am weary, and the solution may be costly. Amen”